This is a blog about learning and teaching math, both of the K12 variety and the mathematician variety. I created this blog to share my thoughts on (among other things) how to increase access to high-quality math education and how to encourage historically underrepresented demographics to pursue math.
About the blogger: My name is Jenny Kaufmann, and I am a math grad student at Harvard. Currently I am a mentor at Girls' Angle (not Harvard-affiliated), the Directed Reading Program, and WiSTEM. During undergrad, I was involved in the Princeton Math Club and the Noetherian Ring. I was also the founder of MathReach, a program in which volunteers from Princeton teach recreational math lessons to high school students from Trenton, NJ. I am an alumna of PROMYS, and an alumna and former junior staff member of HCSSiM.
Contact: [first initial] [last name] at
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